A couple of weeks back, via Facebook, the New Zealand Woman's Weekly asked for dreams to interpret. I gave them this dream. I couldn't really remember when this dream was, turns out it was as far back as 15 or more years. Well, all these years later, I still have a vivid memory of this dream and as unlikely as it will seem, (when you read the dream), it stirs strong emotions in me, and the interpretation's still relevant too.
Dear Janet Louise,
I once dreamed I was a hot chip – an armless, legless hot chip. I was with my hot chip friend in the bush out the back of my childhood home. My hot chip friend fell in the creek and I couldn’t rescue them as I had no limbs or face.
I stood upright and could move by wiggling, but that’s all. What does this mean?
Sara, by Facebook
Dear Sara,
Wow! Stay away from the tomato sauce! The overall theme of your dream is asking you to take back control of your life. You crave security and to feel settled. However, you feel overwhelmed. You also have some unsettled feelings that are asking to be resolved. Some responsibilities are being ignored. What have you rejected about yourself?
It’s time to stop ignoring these things. What needs to change to allow the freedom for you to move forward? You want someone to help you, so make sure you’re not too proud to ask. Allow new positive energy to flow to you.- Janet Louise