Thursday, September 29, 2011

It feels good to DO

I spend a bit of time angsting over what I don't do enough of, and exercise is at the top of that list.  So, it's such a great feeling to have done some today, a taxing 4km hill walk on Pinchgut Road, Kaukapakapa.

The most exciting news for today is that our honeymoon flights are booked!  As of March 13 2012 my hubby (hehe) and I will be relaxing for 6 nights of sheer luxury in Rarotonga!  I plan to have the body I want by then, or at least be substantially there, so I can really enjoy all that Rarotonga has to offer.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tact and the lack thereof

I'm not sure why I lack tact, and up until now I haven't been bothered to wonder.  I do know I'm blunt, but I never really considered how different I could chose to be, and what effect that may have on my relationships.  Generally, my relationships are fantastic, but I do intimidate people when they meet me and I don't really want to be that person. 

I am, despite my own bluntness, a sensitive person who is easily hurt by what others say.  I ought to know better actually.  I need to learn to LISTEN.

"Wisdom is having a lot to say, and not saying it"

Having a lot to say and not saying it requires self-control and discipline.


Note to Self: Replace bluntness with {kindness}

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Name my new blog!

I am so terribly excited to have finally decided to become a proper Blogger!  

My blog will be about:
Me and my journey through my 37th year and beyond, including (but not limited to) my weightloss and fitness plans & goals, my wedding, my hopes and dreams, things that inspire me, and soforth.

My blog will be for:
Myself, and anyone who thinks something I have to say could mean something to them <3

{Name my blog competition}
A blog by Sara wouldn't be the same without competitions!!  So, the first one is to help me give this new baby a name!  Please add your suggestion(s) as a comment and I will select my favourite one!  The winner will receive something very nice from me (as yet undecided, but it'll be lovely).

Yay - I'm loving this already!!!