I am so terribly excited to have finally decided to become a proper Blogger!
My blog will be about:
Me and my journey through my 37th year and beyond, including (but not limited to) my weightloss and fitness plans & goals, my wedding, my hopes and dreams, things that inspire me, and soforth.
My blog will be for:
Myself, and anyone who thinks something I have to say could mean something to them <3
{Name my blog competition}
A blog by Sara wouldn't be the same without competitions!! So, the first one is to help me give this new baby a name! Please add your suggestion(s) as a comment and I will select my favourite one! The winner will receive something very nice from me (as yet undecided, but it'll be lovely).
Yay - I'm loving this already!!!
good luck!
Sara get skinny, and married, (not necessarily in that order)!!
I like the title you have now :)
good luck hunny.. this is sooo you!
I like the one you have now too!
Thanks gals! Kelly & Jo, you're right, the title already is cool, and reflects my personality well - so I'm keeping it! I'll get in touch on FB and send you a {PRIZE}.
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