Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 3 almost done

I woke up this morning feeling really good.  My head felt clear, my limbs felt lighter, and my spirits were high.  I went for a half hour fast walk, down the road to check out an organic vege stall, and arrived home quite out of breath.  My morning smoothie was spinach, parsley, kelp powder, banana and water, and went down easily. 

As the day has progressed I have become increasingly more tired and hungry.  My mentors tell me it's not 'real' hunger as my smoothies are giving my body the nutrients I need, not to mention the energy stores I have in the form of fat, but it sure feels real!!  I have a gnawing, churning feeling in my tummy, I feel mildly nauseous, and I reeeeeaaaaly want to eat something!

Watching the kids eat is a challenge, especially the smell of their pizza dinner.  It's not really pizza I'm craving though, I'd be thrilled to tuck in to a massive salad, and lashings of balsamic dressing.

Emotionally I'm feeling pretty flat right now, something I was told to expect.  I think I'll go ahead and eat tomorrow, I'll see how I feel in the morning.

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