Friday, February 17, 2012

The Attitude of Gratitude

What if you woke up tomorrow and the only things you had
were the things you were thankful for today?

Gratitude is so very important!  Given that your focus determines your reality, paying attention to what you ALREADY HAVE makes life so much better, and before you know it, so many amazing things start happening in your life it's hard to keep track of them all!  I've always been an Oprah Winfrey fan, she's pretty much my only 'role model'. She taught me about gratitude a long time ago, but it's only relatively recently that I have started to really understand. 

Today I am grateful for....
  • Mr K, my fiance, who loves me without limit, supports me no matter what, and helps me feel the luckiest and happiest I can be
  • My best friend of 13 years V, for being the practical/organised one, for helping me with my wedding plans, for organising me a hens night (tomorrow!) and for just being a wonderful friend who has knows pretty much everything there is to know about me
  • My in-laws (though technically the ex-in laws) for babysitting later today
  • Finding a new makeup artist who is available to do my makeup trial tomorrow
  • Living in such an amazing place as New Zealand, not too far from the beautiful ocean
  • Having the internet so I can connect
  • My raw mentors who have given me the gift of health
  • Our three beautiful, amazing children
  • Tomato, avocado, red onions and balsamic vinegar because they are just so delicious
There's so much more to be grateful for, but that's what occurs to me right now. 

Have you thought about what you're grateful for today?

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