It's four in the afternoon and I just got all enthused about doing a workout. I was just sitting here and thought, hey, I can exercise now, what's stopping me?! So I opened the programme, and read it, and I just want to cry. I’m thinking, I don’t know how to do that, what is that again, look how far behind I am… I’m day 3 into week 3 and I feel like I haven’t even taken a step. It’s my own fault, I’ve just not been doing the programme, and now I feel like I’m running after a bus I can’t catch. Immediately, I'm looking back, seeing my past failures, adding another to the list, and feeling like I may as well just give up.
I've been stuck in this cycle for so long, it's like I can't find another way to be. I can hear Dr Phil right now "And how's that working for you, Sara?". It's not! "And what's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!".
So, in spite of myself, I'm not going to give up. I'm going to do SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I won't do it perfectly, it won't be easy, but I need to keep telling myself I am worth it!
Hey hun,
I am so glad that you are not giving up!! However i think you are overwhelming yourself. I do that all the time with uni stuff by looking at all the stuff i need to do freaking out and then leaving everything to the last minute. Just look at one day at a time don't worry about the other exercise pages. This is not a race and each person does it at their own pace. If you can't do it all in one fluid moment spread it out over the day in between cooking or the ads on tv. Get your kids involved and have competitions or get them to time you. Make a chart of how many reps you can do of an exercise per minute and get the kids to fill it in. At the end of week if you have increased in reps make something yum and healthy like frozen fruit juice ice blocks, etc. Or invite your girlfriends over once a week for an exercise party and get them to bring their kids and they can have a play date. If you find exercise like that hard why not join some classes like zumba they are loads of fun and work your whole body.
Remember your goal!! If it is to fit into your wedding dress or a hot bikini for your honeymoon put a picture of it on your fridge, the mirror in your bathroom and on the roof above your bed so it is a continuous reminder of your goal.
And to quote Laurinda plan. Take one of those plan sheets from our booklet and put it on the fridge. Don't fill in the whole week otherwise you will overwhelm yourself just do the day before and when you complete the days exercise buy a special pen (mine is a sparkly pink one) and give it the biggest tick so you can see it for miles so you can remind yourself you have achieved something.
At the end of the week when you have achieved a weeks exercise treat yourself. Remember youre not puishing yourself. This is meant to be fun but hard work. Get a massage for your sore muscles or treat yourself to a healthy dinner out. Or the kids could treat you by cooking dinner with dad.
Above all remember you are not alone and we all believe you can do it!! Keep it up!!!
Thanks Alyssa, this comment means a lot! xxx
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